How to choose the right stream in CBSE schools for class 11 and 12?
Here are five essential factors that will help your children decide the right stream after the 10th standard:
It is important to assess the capability of your children before selecting a stream. For instance, you might be looking for the best CBSE school for class 11 science, but your child is not strong in science and mathematics. In such a case, you must look for an alternate stream other than science, such as humanities or commerce. At the same time, the interest of your child should also be given enough priority to decide the stream.
Understand the streams:
Before selecting the stream, you need to assess your strengths and weaknesses in each stream. Analyse every aspect of the stream, such as subjects, difficulty level, higher education courses, employment possibilities, and other important factors. Also, include information about professional courses that one can pursue after graduating from high school in a specific field. Making a list of professional courses can help you understand the employment opportunities available in that field.
Take the help of a counsellor:
When you are unsure about which stream to take following class 10, visit a counsellor for a consultation. It is essential for the students to attend career counselling seminars and educational fairs where the professionals may assist in determining the student's potential and appropriately propose the correct stream.
These are a few things you need to follow while selecting an appropriate stream in one of the best CBSE schools in Kolkata for class 11 and 12.